Go on a Free adventure without leaving the library!
The popular Armchair Traveler Series makes its triumphant return. On the second Thursday of each month, come to the Cordingley Room and hear a local traveler talk about their experiences trekking across the globe. Each event takes place from 7 to 8 pm through to June! Light snacks will be provided for each event.
The remaining schedule is as follows:
January 9:
Kelli Smith and her family show us their special trip to Disney Land.
February 13:
Kevin Fairhurst talks about his scuba diving adventure and his exploring of Honduras.
March 13:
Jennifer Martin dishes on her trip to Spain.
April 10:
Go on a virtual tour of Costa Rica!
May 8:
Bob Kelly discusses his trip to Tibet with his daughter.
June 12:
Shannon Wilson shows us her recent trip to Scotland.