Our Hours
Pickup Window
Sun – Sat: 9am to 6pm
Open to All
Mon: 9am to 6pm
Tues: 9am to 8pm
Wed: 9am to 6pm
Thurs: 9am to 8pm
Fri & Sat: 9am to 6pm
Sun: 1pm to 6pm
Our Staff
James is the technology guru for the library. He manages library technology infrastructure, answers technical questions, maintains our servers and databases, registers employee email addresses, and recommends technology-related and patron-related policies and procedures to Library Director while advising on long-term technical needs, along with other duties!
As Director, Susie oversees every department at the library. She puts together the annual budget, coordinates with the library foundation, fine tunes operating procedures, does interviews with media, works with the Great Falls City Manager on library needs, answers questions at board meetings and will fill in for staff on the circulation and reference desks when needed, too!
Sarah handles/coordinates all of the events outside of the ones provided by Youth Services. She schedules guest authors, artists, community leaders and more to give presentations, mostly in our Cordingley Room. She assists with promotions, social media, and coordinates volunteers. She moderates events, works with library sponsors, and gives talks/tables for the library across the community, as well!
Treva is the go-to person for curating our collection of titles in the library and supervises two others Technical Services staffers. She oversees the acquiring and removing of all materials barring youth services. She orders and manages periodicals, newspapers, state and local materials, research items in the Montana Room on the third floor, oversees collection development and answers general questions on Materials, too!
Jake wears many different hats in his communications role. He handles the social media accounts for the library, writes press releases, keeps the website up to date, shoots and edits photos, records and edits videos, attends PR workshops, does interviews/sets up interviews with media, designs posters/signs, coordinates monthly book reviews, and works with Sarah, Community Engagement Coordinator, and Rae, the Youth Services Director, to share news about what events we’re planning next.
Rae runs the ship in Youth Services. She oversees three staffers in the department, coordinates children’s programming and special events, early literacy programs, ordering materials for the children’s section, coordinating with various community leaders who work with children in the community, and working to educate children and parents/guardians on the importance of embracing literacy.
Sara does a lot of everything at the library. She supervises all of the Library Clerks, Specialists and Resource Sharing Coordinators, the Bookmobile Driver/Coordinator and the Safety Specialists that work in her department. She implements procedures for the Bookmobile, Circulation and Reference desks. She oversees check-ins, check outs and placing items on hold, renewals, issuing and modifying library cards and handles billing for lost and damaged materials, and more!
As administrative assistant, Aaron has a hand in a lot of different areas. He handles and keeps track of library expenditures, puts together budgetary documents, takes care of accounting, staff timecards, donations, library supplies, and more!
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