Donations to support your Great Falls Public Library are an investment in the future of Great Falls

Your gift to the Library helps the Library fund needs above and beyond what tax dollars provide.  Donations help the Library provide enhanced community services and a rich collection of materials.

The Great Falls Public Library accepts both financial and material donations.

We appreciate every donation given and recognize how important they are to our long-term success. Below you’ll find information on several ways to support the library. Thank you!

There are many ways to support the Great Falls Public Library Foundation: through an annuity, will or living trust, permanent endowment, donation of assets from a qualified retirement plan, cash gifts, or donations of securities or savings bonds. Your employer may match your donation, as do many companies. Or your employer may have a giving program that contributes funding to nonprofit organizations such as the Library Foundation. Because the Great Falls Public Library Foundation is a 501(c)3 charitable organization, gifts to the Foundation are tax-exempt.

If you would like to purchase materials for the library in honor, or in memorial, of a loved one, please fill out our Donations for Memorials Form and return it to the library. For donations of $35 or more, a bookplate may be placed in purchased materials. The form can also be used if no bookplate is desired.

If you’d like to donate funds directly to the library and the community, you can by filling out our Donor Directive Form. You may leave it to us to determine how the funds would best benefit the library at this time, or you may designate an area of the library where you would like to see the funds applied.

The Great Falls Public Library always encourages and welcomes donations of materials to be used for the benefit of the Library. You can download a Gift Materials Form, which also explains guidelines for types of materials the library can accept, or contact the library at 406.453.0349 for more information.

You can also always come into the library and drop off donations at our physical site at 301 2nd Ave. N in Great Falls, Montana.