Q: Can I ask the library to keep an item?

YES!  If you see an item you believe should remain in the collection, you are welcome to fill out a Materials Withdrawal Reconsideration Form (page 60 of our Collection Management Policy).  You can request a form from any Library staff or print one from our website.  Once the Library receives the form, the book or material will be set aside for reconsideration by a review committee.  The review committee will recommend to the Library Board if the book should be placed back in the collection or remain withdrawn.  The Library Board will have the final authority.


  1. The Library Director will review the Request for Reconsideration Form and provide a written response within 14 days.
  2. If the patron is unsatisfied with the Library Director’s response, he/she may submit a written request to appeal to the Great Falls Public Library Board.
  3. The Library Board shall appoint a review committee consisting of a Great Falls Public Library Board member, a Great Falls Public Library patron and a Great Falls Public Library staff member. The committee shall review the Patron Request for Reconsideration Form and the Library Director’s response, then submit a written recommendation to the full Library Board within 14 days of being appointed.
  4. The patron appeal will be placed on the agenda of the next scheduled board meeting. After reviewing the pertinent documents (Request for Reconsideration Form, Library Director’s response & recommendation of the review committee) and hearing statements from the patron, Library staff and any public wishing to speak, the Board will make final ruling on the appeal. A written response will be sent to the patron within 14 days of the final Board decision.