The Friends of the Great Falls Public Library are special Library volunteers who sponsor projects and programs to make the Library more successful.
The work of the Friends is led by the Friends and supported by Library staff. The Friends of the Library decide on projects and work together to make them
successful. Traditionally the major projects of the Friends have been the annual Friends of the Library Booksale and Summer Picnic. We are happy to explore
additional projects and events.
Friends of the Library Book Sale:
The Friends of the Library Annual Book Sale is held each year in May. This popular event raises on average $14,000 to support the Library.
The Friends have donation days starting in January or February—usually each Saturday from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. They accept gently used books, CDs, DVDs, and
audiobooks. Friends of the Library donate hundreds of volunteer hours collecting and organizing
books donated by members of the community.
Funds raised by Friends of the Library projects are deposited with the Library Foundation. The Foundation keeps these funds separately from its other funds in a
line item clearly defined as Friends Funds. These funds are included in the regular auditing and oversight performed by the Foundation. The Friends of the Library
decide how the funds raised by the Friends is to be used. Generally, that means that Library staff present the Friends with possible funding ideas and the Friends choose (by voting) how to allocate their funds.