Memory Story Walk

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Date and Time of Event:  Friday, September 6 to Wednesday, October 2, dawn to dusk
Location of Event: Gibson Park
Audience: Community members of all ages

Description of Event: Take a stroll in Gibson Park this September and celebrate
Grandparents’ Day with two touching stories about family and memories. Never
Forget Eleanor was written by Jason June and illustrated Loren Long. How to
Babysit a Grandpa written by Jean Reagan and illustrated by Lee Wildish.

The Gibson Park Story Walk starts and ends at the parking area near the bandshell.
The stroller-friendly path begins at the statue of Paris Gibson, loops around the duck
pond, and ends back at the parking area. It is less than a mile long and is available
whenever the Park is open (dawn to dusk).
The Alzheimer's Association’s Walk to End Alzheimer’s is Saturday, September 14th
at 11am in Gibson Park. To register or donate, please visit:

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