Dungeons and Dragons-Fall Campaign

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Date and Time of Event: Saturdays from 3-5:30
September 7, 14, 21, and 28
October 5, 12, 19, and Nov. 2
Location of Event: Cordingley Room-Basement
Audience: Preteens and teens 10-18

Description of Event: Attention heroes: Are you ready for a new adventure?
Our Fall D&D Campaign will meet on Saturdays from 3-5:30 for 8 weeks.

Make new friends and get creative with this fantasy-themed tabletop role-playing game. D&D
supports the development of social, problem solving, and even practical math skills!
A snack will be provided. ASL interpretation available upon request.
To sign up or for more information, please contact Youth Services staff:
(406) 453-0349, ext. 215

D&D at the Library powered by volunteers! If you are at least 16 years old and
interested in GMing, please visit the Circulation Desk to fill our an application or print
one from the link below: https://greatfallslibrary.org/volunteer/

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