The Great Falls Public Library Board of Trustees exists to provide governance for the Great Falls Public Library and to advise, recommend, and advocate for the library in the City of Great Falls and within Cascade County, Montana. The board supports the work of the library and provides leadership to the library director, as well as leadership to the community regarding library services and resources. Although the operations are managed by the library director, the board-director relationship is a partnership.
Public libraries are required by Montana law to be governed by a board of trustees, specifically, this requirement and boards’ responsibilities are spelled out in the Montana Code Annotated, 22-1-308.
Trustees are appointed by the Great Falls City Commission.
Board meetings, held on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 4:30 p.m., are open meetings subject to the provisions of Montana law. If you have questions about Great Falls Public Library Board meetings or wish to be placed on the agenda, please email the Library Director.
To provide feedback about the operation Library, you may contact the Library Director at 406-453-0349 or fill out a Citizen Interest Form. Forms are available at the City Manager’s Office, Civic Center, Room 201, by calling 406-455-8450; or by downloading from the Citizen Interest Form Page.
Next Meeting Date:
April 22, 2025